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5 Signs Your Kitchen Needs a Makeover

Feb 21, 2024

Your kitchen is the heart of your home, but sometimes, it doesn't feel as cozy as you'd like. You may want to consider updating it. Kitchen remodels are quickly becoming one of the most popular renovation projects seen by home renovation companies. Here are a few signs that it's time to give your kitchen a makeover.

1. Outdated Decor

We understand that trends come and go, but it's time to consider a makeover if your kitchen still has decor from the 70s and yellow countertops. Browse through current trends to find something that suits your personality. Greige and white add a sophisticated, neutral appeal that many homeowners are leaning toward.

2. House's Age

Consider your house's age when deciding whether to call home renovation companies. Older houses may have outdated electrical wiring or old insulation that could be more energy efficient. According to Zippia, 59% of homes nationwide were constructed before 1980. This was long before strict regulations regarding energy efficiency and modern materials. It may be time for a renovation project if your home is over 40 years old.

3. Little Storage Space

Another main reason people choose to remodel their kitchen is because they need more storage space. You may have accumulated more mini appliances or decor than intended. A kitchen remodel can help you organize your kitchen so you don't have cluttered countertops.

4. Poor Layout

Older kitchens often need an efficient layout that is suitable for cooking. You may have to walk across your farmhouse kitchen from the fridge to the stove. Cabinets should be within reach. Some kitchens only have one space available for the trashcan, and it could be in an inconvenient spot. Layouts like this can make cooking dinner a hassle. Working with home remodeling companies can help make cooking easy for the whole family.

5. No Sustainability

Many homeowners are upgrading their kitchens to reflect their sustainable lifestyle. Natural stone countertops are durable and made from a natural material. Dimmer switches can help reduce energy usage. Energy-efficient appliances with smart features are always a great idea. A kitchen renovation can help update your kitchen to match your values.

If your kitchen doesn't work with your current lifestyle, then it's time for a kitchen makeover. Home renovation companies can help you upgrade your kitchen to be sustainable or coincide with modern decorating trends. Contact us at OnCenter Construction when you're ready to get started.

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